Free Video: 15 minute breakdown about growing to $10m



I Found This Million-Dollar Idea

Nov 20, 2023

"Find the Rembrandt" he says...


I have no freaken idea what the guy is talking about.


There's a pause while I stare blankly at his face...


And now I'm thinking I've blown it! What if I'm supposed to know this and I don't - I'm a dumbass...


Let me explain...


Last week I met with a world-class business coach to see if he'd work with us.


He normally only works with the country’s most successful businesses.


It hasn’t gone anywhere yet. If it does I’ll absolutely share my experience as we go.


But something stood out to me during the chat that I thought might help you straight away. 


It’s something I’ve been fairly confused about myself sometimes. 


‘Where do you spend your time as the founder of a growing company?’


Sounds simple right?


But, the thing is {{ first_name }}, as you grow and recruit more people to do high value work inside your company, it can leave you thinking “What the hell do I focus on as the founder to add the most value?”


Some days you think you’re not adding much value at all because you can’t see daily progress.


Well the coach I met picked up on this in our discussion, so he leaned in to drop some early value.


He said, “It's your job to be the custodian of ideas inside your company.”


(Now, keep in mind that this is advice for me and might not suit you at your company size.)


“Okay”, I thought… I understood but I needed a little more information.


So he then said “Have you ever heard of the story about the ‘Rembrandt in the attic’? 


I shook my head and said, “I haven’t”.


So he told me a version of it that went like this:


Say you’re going to buy a house. And while you’re wandering through the last open home inspecting it before it goes to auction, you decide to poke your head into the attic space. 


You’re the only one who does. 


While you’re up there you notice an old painting covered with a towel.


So you peel the dusty towel back and it hits you. You can’t believe your eyes!


It’s a Rembrandt!


And it’s worth $50 million!


You quickly get down and close the hatch. No one saw you or the painting. 


You casually walk outside and assume your place in the crowd as a registered bidder.


You know the house will sell for about $2 million. 


And then, bidding opens!




How much do you bid to win that house?


I’d suggest a shitload more than the listing price. 


No doubt you’d outbid everyone to ensure you won that property because it had a hidden treasure.


But what if we change that focus?


Now apply that same thinking to your own business. 


When you first look around, it might look like that regular old house you were just inspecting.


But what if you dug deeper and found a product that could be scaled nationally? 


Or a process that could be licensed some IP that could be patented, or some data that could be leveraged.


What if you uncovered your own Rembrandt in the very business you're hustling at day in and day out — That’d be pretty damn sweet, right?


It might not be worth $50 mill. 


But it could be worth a shitload more than you’re getting for it right now.


To find it, think about the stuff you do daily. 


Yeah, those mundane processes… They might just be your golden ticket. 


Maybe it’s the specific way you manage client relationships or a unique product development stage you’ve created — there might be something there that’s a game-changer on its own!


Can it stand alone by itself instead of sitting in a catalogue?


What about that feature in your product that everyone raves about - Have you ever thought it might just strut its stuff on a solo runway and totally steal the show? 


What if you built an identity around just that thing to give it the spotlight?


Already I can feel the cogs in your brain ticking.


So let’s pause for a second. 


There’s also a practical side to this. 


In my company, I can’t see all of these processes first hand so I’d need to build a culture around it where everyone has their “Rembrandt” glasses on. Looking for the hidden masterpieces in the daily grind.


Even if you found it you might be thinking, ‘Cool story Jarrod but who’s got time for that’.


In that case, what if you sold it?


That’s right, carve it out and sell it!


You’ve got this super neat tool that helps your business flow smoother than a fresh jar of peanut butter.


Why keep it all to yourself? 


It might just be the next big thing others would love to get their hands on!


If you think you’re sitting on a Rembrandt in your attic, don’t shy away from seeking advice. 


Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes can spot the masterpiece that’s been there all along. 


Before I wrap up, I’ll leave you with this today. 


This entrepreneurial journey we're both on is more than just hitting milestones; it’s about discovering hidden gems in places we least expect. 


That’s what entrepreneurs do best.


And this is a reminder that your very own “Rembrandt” might just be hiding in the most obvious place — right in front of you.


I hope you find it. 


Take care,

